Integrated Environmental and Energy Management System

Environmental protection measures constitute the priority in Volkswagen Poznan.

It is evident in the environmental policy applied in plants which aims at continuous minimising of the company's impact on the environment.

The Implemented Environmental Management System confirmed, pursuant to the international ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 standard, that Volkswagen Poznan plants meet legal requirements related to the environmental protection and energy management and excellent production technology in this respect.

VWP plants no. 1 and 4 received the Environmental Management System certificate pursuant to ISO 14001 standard in 2004 and the Foundry already in 2002. Another step was creation and implementation of the Energy Management System pursuant to ISO 50001 standard, complementing the already existing ISO 14001 system, which resulted in the creation of the Environmental and Energy Management System.

The system constitutes a tool enabling each enterprise to continuously and systematically monitor the influence of its operations on the environment and energy economy. Basing on the contents of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 standards allows identification of the company's activities affecting the environment and energy economy.

The efficiency of measures taken as well as correct implementation and current compliance with mandatory standards are regularly monitored by independent auditors. Their positive opinion leads to a conclusion that Volkswagen Poznan is a company complying with high environmental and energy requirements of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 systems.